DOPP API Reference
You can enhance customer experience by integrating Regios Automatic Discounts deeply with your theme.
To do this, use the DOPP (discount on product page) API. It's a combination of event listeners (which you can fire to trigger updates to our app blocks), and public objects/functions (which you can use to handle the results of calculations yourself).
We highly recommend using TypeScript when working with the API.
You can paste this TypeScript definition into your project as a .d.ts file.
Every single export, including functions, classes, and all their parameters, has a useful documentation comment.
It's easiest to use the API on the product page, where you don't need to provide a product ID or variant ID by default:
You can also pass a specific variant ID, and/or quantity:
You can also get the discount description/badge content, and CSS:
You can also override the customer for a calculation. Set to null to calculate as if no customer is logged in. See the "DOPPCustomer" object type in the Public API TypeScript definition linked above to understand the structure.
On all other pages, use window.RegiosDOPP.api.v0.calculateDiscountedPrices instead of window.RegiosDOPP.api.v0.productPage.calculateDiscountedPrices.
You must provide:
productId - Numeric product ID
variantId - Numeric variant ID
regularPriceInCents - The variant's price, before discounts are applied.
Optional arguments:
collectionIds - An array of numerical IDs of all collections the product belongs to. It's optional, but if your discount depends on knowing a product's collections, you must provide this.
compareAtPriceInCents - The variant's "compare at" price.
handle - The product's handle.
vendor - The product's vendor. If your discount depends on knowing a product's vendor, you must provide this.
url - The product's URL. Example /products/foo
quantity - The quantity of the product being discounted. Defaults to 1.
customer - Override the customer for this calculation. Set to null to calculate as if no customer is logged in. See the "DOPPCustomer" object type in the Public API TypeScript definition linked above to understand the structure.
Just like in the productPage API, you can override the customer identity for a single calculation.
Our app listens to the following events on the window:
In case your theme has complex behavior about selecting variants on the product page, you can manually trigger a discount calculation by firing a regios-dopp:variant-change event.
All parameters are optional unless stated otherwise. Required. A product variant's numerical ID.
selectedVariant.price: The variant's price, in cents. You can optionally provide this to change the number we base discount calculations on.
quantity: The quantity of the product to calculate the discount based on. Useful for volume discounts.
We want to hear about your experience with our app! Leave a review on the Shopify App Store.
To do this, use the DOPP (discount on product page) API. It's a combination of event listeners (which you can fire to trigger updates to our app blocks), and public objects/functions (which you can use to handle the results of calculations yourself).
Public API TypeScript Definition
We highly recommend using TypeScript when working with the API.
You can paste this TypeScript definition into your project as a .d.ts file.
Every single export, including functions, classes, and all their parameters, has a useful documentation comment.
Public API Example
On Product Pages
It's easiest to use the API on the product page, where you don't need to provide a product ID or variant ID by default:
const {salePrice, regularPrice} = await window.RegiosDOPP.api.v0.productPage.calculateDiscountedPrices();
const discountAmount = regularPrice.amount - salePrice.amount;
console.log('Your discounted price: ' + salePrice.formatted);
console.log('Discount amount: ' + discountAmount);
You can also pass a specific variant ID, and/or quantity:
const {salePrice, regularPrice} = await window.RegiosDOPP.api.v0.productPage.calculateDiscountedPrices({
variantId: 0123456789,
quantity: 1234,
You can also get the discount description/badge content, and CSS:
const {description, badge} = await window.RegiosDOPP.api.v0.productPage.calculateDiscountedPrices();
document.querySelector('.discount-description').innerHTML = description.html;
document.querySelector('.discount-description').style.cssText = description.css;
document.querySelector('.badge').innerHTML = badge.html;
You can also override the customer for a calculation. Set to null to calculate as if no customer is logged in. See the "DOPPCustomer" object type in the Public API TypeScript definition linked above to understand the structure.
const {salePrice, regularPrice} = await window.RegiosDOPP.api.v0.productPage.calculateDiscountedPrices({
variantId: 0123456789,
quantity: 1234,
customer: {
tags: ["b2b", "wholesale"]
On Other Pages
On all other pages, use window.RegiosDOPP.api.v0.calculateDiscountedPrices instead of window.RegiosDOPP.api.v0.productPage.calculateDiscountedPrices.
You must provide:
productId - Numeric product ID
variantId - Numeric variant ID
regularPriceInCents - The variant's price, before discounts are applied.
Optional arguments:
collectionIds - An array of numerical IDs of all collections the product belongs to. It's optional, but if your discount depends on knowing a product's collections, you must provide this.
compareAtPriceInCents - The variant's "compare at" price.
handle - The product's handle.
vendor - The product's vendor. If your discount depends on knowing a product's vendor, you must provide this.
url - The product's URL. Example /products/foo
quantity - The quantity of the product being discounted. Defaults to 1.
customer - Override the customer for this calculation. Set to null to calculate as if no customer is logged in. See the "DOPPCustomer" object type in the Public API TypeScript definition linked above to understand the structure.
const {salePrice, regularPrice} = await window.RegiosDOPP.api.v0.calculateDiscountedPrices({
productId: 0123456789,
variantId: 0123456789,
regularPriceInCents: 1234,
const discountAmount = regularPrice.amount - salePrice.amount;
console.log('Your discounted price: ' + salePrice.formatted);
console.log('Discount amount: ' + discountAmount);
Just like in the productPage API, you can override the customer identity for a single calculation.
const {salePrice, regularPrice} = await window.RegiosDOPP.api.v0.calculateDiscountedPrices({
variantId: 0123456789,
quantity: 1234,
customer: {
tags: ["b2b", "wholesale"]
Our app listens to the following events on the window:
Variant Change Event
In case your theme has complex behavior about selecting variants on the product page, you can manually trigger a discount calculation by firing a regios-dopp:variant-change event.
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("regios-dopp:variant-change", {
detail: {
selectedVariant: {
id: 0123456789,
price: 3000,
quantity: 1,
All parameters are optional unless stated otherwise. Required. A product variant's numerical ID.
selectedVariant.price: The variant's price, in cents. You can optionally provide this to change the number we base discount calculations on.
quantity: The quantity of the product to calculate the discount based on. Useful for volume discounts.
Have any feedback for us?
We want to hear about your experience with our app! Leave a review on the Shopify App Store.
Updated on: 20/08/2024
Thank you!