Shipping Discounts

In addition to product and order discounts, our app supports creating shipping discounts.
Differences between shipping discounts and other discounts in Shopify
In Shopify, shipping discounts DO NOT apply to individual line items. Instead, they apply to either delivery methods, or delivery groups.
Delivery method - The shipping method the customer chooses at checkout, ex. USPS Ground.
Delivery group - A group of line items that will be delivered together. Most orders have just 1 delivery group. Subscription orders, however, have 2 groups - the first is for the 1st order, while the 2nd is for recurring orders.
Differences between shipping discounts and other discounts in Regios Automatic Discounts
To comply with Shopify's rules for shipping discounts, our app handles shipping discounts slightly differently from other types.
For shipping discounts, instead of the logic flowchart determining which products receive a discount, it determines which delivery methods receive a discount.
If a delivery method has at least one line item in the cart where all the conditions are true, that delivery method receives a discount.
For example, you can create a shipping discount that checks if the delivery method is "UPS Ground." This will apply a discount to only "UPS Ground," because that's the only delivery method all the conditions are true for.
Another example: You can create a discount that checks if a specific product is in the cart, and applies a shipping discount if so.
Options unique to shipping discounts
Free shipping for specific customers template

When creating a shipping discount, you will be able to quickly create a free shipping discount for specific customers, on specific shipping methods. Just select the "Free shipping for specific customers" template.
Include/exclude shipping methods

Shipping discount logic flows can have "Include/exclude shipping methods" conditions. These conditions allow you to set criteria on which delivery methods will receive discounts.
IMPORTANT: This is based on the title of the shipping method in checkout, NOT the name of the app that provides shipping rates.
To make your life easier, our app will automatically load the names of available shipping methods in your store. You can simply check/uncheck the ones you want to keep/remove. Alternatively, you can use the "Manually enter shipping method" input if your desired shipping method isn't in the list; just be sure to press ENTER.
Just like any other logic builder condition, you can have multiple of these, which allows you to get very specific about when discounts should apply.
Compare by

You can specify how our app should match delivery method titles using the "Compare by" option. For example, if you want to discount all USPS shipping methods, you can use "Contains" or "Starts with." This way, you can avoid having to manually enter every possible delivery method you want to discount.
How to create a free shipping discount for specific shipping methods

Select "Create shipping discount."
Click "Edit logic."
Add an "Include/exclude delivery methods" step.
Add an "Apply discount" step. Set the "Discount type" to "Percentage."
Set the percentage to 100%.
How to create a free shipping discount for only certain shipping address countries

Select "Create shipping discount."
Click "Edit logic."
Add an "Include/exclude customers" step. Select "Specific locations," and select the countries you want to receive free shipping. You can learn more about discounts based on customer location in this article.
Add an "Apply discount" step. Set the "Discount type" to "Percentage."
Set the percentage to 100%.
How to create a free shipping discount for customers with a specific tag

Select "Create shipping discount."
Click "Edit logic."
Add an "Include/exclude customers" step. Select "Customers with specific tags." Type the desired tag, then press ENTER to add the tag.
Add an "Apply discount" step. Set the "Discount type" to "Percentage."
Set the percentage to 100%.
Shipping Discounts FAQ
Can I apply the shipping discount only to specific products?
You cannot apply the shipping discount only to specific products, because of how shipping discounts work in Shopify.
Shipping discounts in Shopify only apply to either:
Delivery methods (for example, "UPS Ground")
Or, delivery groups (for example, a subscription order has a "first order" delivery group, and a "recurring orders" delivery group)
If you want to discount shipping for specific products, then you need an app that provides shipping rates to Shopify.
Can I apply a shipping discount to a specific region, like the EU?
You can't directly target regions. However, you can easily use a "Specific locations" condition and select each country in the EU you want the discount to apply to. For information, read Applying Discounts Based on Customer Location.
Can I make a product/order discount based on shipping method?
For example, can I discount the order by 3% for customers who select a specific shipping method?
Due to Shopify limitations, which are completely outside our control, it’s not possible to apply a percentage discount to the order based on the selected shipping method. The Shopify Functions API does not provide this information for order or product discounts.
Therefore, if you want to make a discount based on shipping method, it can only be a shipping discount.
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Updated on: 06/02/2025
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