Articles on: Regios Automatic Discounts

POS Custom Sales and Regios Automatic Discounts

Unfortunately, due to limitations in Shopify itself that we cannot work around, our app is incompatible with custom sales in the POS.

Background information

Our app's discounts are built using a Shopify API called Shopify Functions.

This means that the discounts you create in our app are calculated on Shopify's servers, and for the most part, they work like Shopify's built-in discounts.

However, there are some subtle, undocumented differences between Shopify Functions discounts, and Shopify's built-in discounts.

Why doesn't Regios work with custom sales?

There are 2 reasons:

Shopify Functions discounts can only target product variants, not custom products.
Adding a custom sale to the cart removes Shopify Functions-based automatic discounts.

These are limitations of Shopify itself that we can't get around.

No app based on Shopify Functions can get around this. Not ours, nor anyone else's.

Keep reading for information on how you can help raise this to Shopify's attention.

Reason 1: Shopify Functions discounts can only target product variants, not custom products.

Discount apps in Shopify Functions can only calculate discounts - at the time of this writing, they can't actually "apply" the discounts to the cart.

When apps report the calculation results to Shopify Functions, every discount is associated with a "product variant ID."

For example: "The 'Small' variant of the 'Blue shirt' product receives a 30% off discount."

This will apply to cart line items that have the 'Small' variant of the 'Blue shirt' product.

Discounts are NOT associated with specific cart line items.

For example, we can't say "Apply a 30% off discount to the 2nd line item in the cart."

Because "custom sales" in Shopify POS are not product variants, there is no way to target them with a discount from Shopify Functions.

Unfortunately, this is completely out of our control, so if you want to be able to apply discounts to custom sales, please upvote and comment on this GitHub discussion thread, where many developers are asking Shopify to make it possible to associate Shopify Functions discounts with specific cart line items.

Reason 2: Adding a custom sale to the cart removes Shopify Functions-based automatic discounts.

Screenshot of the "Automatic discount removed" message

We have recently discovered that in Shopify POS Pro, when a custom sale is added to the cart, Shopify Functions-based automatic discounts will be removed from the cart. When this happens, as pictured in the screenshot above, an "Automatic discount removed" message will be displayed.

This does not happen with built-in Shopify automatic discounts, so we suspect there is an issue in how Shopify POS integrates with Shopify Functions.

This is not an issue caused by our our app - we've investigated, and found that our app still calculates discounts correctly, but the POS does not apply it, for an unknown reason.

Remember, as mentioned in the previous section, discount apps in Shopify Functions can only calculate discounts - at the time of this writing, they can't actually "apply" the discounts to the cart.

We have opened a Shopify Community Forums thread to raise this issue to Shopify's concern.

If you'd like to help us get this on Shopify's radar, please go leave a thumbs up and comment on that thread. Thanks for your time!

Have any feedback for us?

We want to hear about your experience with our app! Leave a review on the Shopify App Store.

Updated on: 05/06/2024

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