Articles on: Regios Discounts

Discount Combinations

Screenshot of combinations settings

If you want two discounts to combine, both need Combinations settings checked. Otherwise, both cannot be applied to the cart at the same time.

Definition of terms used in this article

Combine: Applying two or more discounts to the same cart. For example, if you combine a "20% off pants" and "10% off shirts" discount, then if there are both pants and shirts in the cart, both can receive discounts.
Stack: Applying discounts to a product that has already received another discount. For example, if you stack a "20% off pants" on top of a "50% off for VIP customers" discount, then if you have a $100 pants product in the cart, its price will be reduced to $32 (50% of $100 is $50, and discounting that by 20% gives you $32).

Can Regios Discounts combine with other discounts?

Built-in discounts: Our app's discount can combine with Shopify's built-in discounts because they are based on the Shopify Functions API. When combining with other discounts, our app follows the same rules and limitations as Shopify's built-in discounts. However, Shopify's built-in Buy X Get Y discounts can't combine with other discounts (more info on that here).
Shopify Scripts: Our discounts currently do not work in conjunction with discounts created via Shopify Scripts. Scripts can access information about applied discount codes, but they can't combine with other discounts, as detailed here.
Draft orders: However, if you are using a 3rd-party discount app that relies on draft orders, it may not be compatible. Keep reading for more information.

Compatibility with Draft Order Discounts

When apps create draft orders, in order to combine with Shopify Functions discounts, they must pass the acceptAutomaticDiscounts field and/or the allowDiscountCodesInCheckout field of the DraftOrderInput object. If they do not do this, then you cannot our app's discounts with the draft order-based discount.
If you are noticing our app's discounts not combining with a 3rd-party, draft order-based discount app, please contact the developers of the 3rd-party app and advise them to read this article to make their app compatible with Shopify Functions.

Compatibility with Compare-At Price

Compare-at price ("sale pricing") is not a real discount. Our app has dedicated settings to control how it combines with compare-at prices.

Which discounts can combine with each other?

Please read Shopify's "Discount combinations" help article to understand what's possible:

In general:
If 1 line item in the customer's cart is eligible for two product discounts, Shopify will only apply the one that gives the highest discount.
If the order is eligible for two order discounts, both can apply to the cart.
You can only apply one shipping discount per order.

Can discounts "stack" on top each other?

If you want two discounts to "stack" on top of each other, then one needs to be a product discount, and the other needs to be an order discount.

Due to limitations in Shopify itself that are completely outside of our control, it is not possible to apply multiple product discounts to the same line item in the cart.

However, it may be possible soon. If you want to be notified if/when this happens, please upvote and comment on this feature request in our public feedback board.

Compatibility with Klaviyo

Klaviyo always generates discounts that lack any "Combinations" settings, so they can't be combined with discounts unless you modify these combinations settings. There are apps that automatically do this for you, but we don't have experience with them and don't endorse them.

The discounts you create in our app have all combinations settings checked by default, however. If you are dealing with an issue where Klaviyo discounts are not combining with those from our app, the issue is most likely with the Klaviyo-created discounts.

Your Feedback Matters

As a solo founder, your experience is crucial to me. Could you spare a moment to share your thoughts? Please leave a review on the Shopify App Store. Thank you for helping me improve!

Updated on: 07/03/2025

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